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CEO’z Thought Corner Blog

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

So, let's think about this for a second... When you get in a playlist, what do you expect to see? Results? Growth? Bettering streams? More followers and listeners? All of the above right? So let's look at that Little further..

There are tons of playlists that you can be apart of by paying money to get a "Slot" on it. So what does that mean for you? What does that mean for your music and social media? Nothing..... absolutely nothing... I'm sorry to tell you, but you honestly can't 100% guarantee me, or yourself, that these "Pay to Play" playlists are legit or even organic like they say that they are. Here is an example:

Have you looked at their base? Do they actually have the "steaming base" and an "audience" that they claim to have to be 100% "Organic"?? How do you know they are not all fake accounts? You don't know.

Another thing to look at is, what kind of Guarantee can they offer you if you pay 70$-200$ for a playlist slot? Is it per month? How many streams ? And so on and so forth...

The truth is that they can't and they can .. let me explain:

Bot farming for streams is a thing . Tons of fake

active accounts with a massive network of cell phones and or computers and laptops can be a way to be specific about exatly how many streams and followers you will get . Right?

Also, they can't , if they are just charging you to be on a playlist and they tell you it's just a Slot charge to be on the list per month. But, they can't guarantee you your song will be played... whatever that means. That was an actual message I got from a promoter. I get your music needs to be good , but if you are paying for a slot I would hope that they can guarantee me a rise in stats or it just seems like a scam to me. Which to me, it is. I can give someone 3 lists with 2 tracks a piece and they can play with us and make 2 k streams in 2 weeks depending on how far they want to go. At the end of the day, the decision is up to you.

My advice , don't pay for a playlist slot unless you can absolutely afford it and you can get a guarantee that your music will be better after the plays.

🫵🏻😎 Jame$

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